Synchronizing Sound with Animation--Lesson 1
In this exercise you will download a Flash file that already has sound attached to it. You will then invent some shape tweens to match the sound track. There are two layers in these files--one for sound and one for image (your animations). If you look at the timeline in Flash, you will see that you can actually "see" the soundwaves on the sound layer, which shows you exactly where the different parts of the sound happen in time. So you can use the sound track to make your shape tweens start and stop at exactly the right place to match the sound track. Click on these examples:
Download the .fla files here and then change the shape tweens to something you invent yourself:
Synchronizing Sound with Animation--Lesson 2
Next you can try listening to the sound tracks for these files by clicking on the links. There is NO ANIMATION in these files, that's your job:
Download the source fla files below and create your own graphics, animation and tweens to match the sounds: